Video Editor

Lestars Management Consultancy L.L.C

Di tempat - Mato Grosso3-5 Tahun KedaluwarsaS1Penuh waktu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan


  • Tunjangan

    Tunjangan Telekomunikasi, Penggantian Biaya Medis

  • Manfaat Tunjangan

    Makanan Gratis, Ruang Kerja Terbuka

  • Waktu Istirahat & Cuti

    Cuti Duka Cita, Cuti Orang Tua, Cuti sakit, Cuti Liburan, Cuti pernikahan


1、Responsible for video editing work, including material collection, video editing, audio processing, soundtrack selection, subtitle production and the addition of post-production special effects.

2, need to grasp the video content creativity, duration, image texture and animation style, etc., to ensure the overall quality and visual effect of the video.

3、Study and design various video effects and effects to enhance the viewability and expression of the video.

4、Ability to independently complete the post-production of video editing, compositing, music, subtitle, etc., and proficiency in a variety of software and equipment.


 1.1+ years of experience in short video editing;

2.Excellent planning ability . Creative ability . Art aesthetic ability and execution ability, can independently complete the short video shooting editing

3.3.Proficiency in EDIUS, Photohop.Illutrator.Premiere.AE and other post-production software;

4.4. Strong sense of responsibility . Strong execution. Good communication skills and teamwork spirit;

5.5. Have short video creation. Short video operation experience is preferred.

Required skills: video editing, short video, Premiere, AE, EDIUS, PhotoShop

英语TikTok视频编辑沟通技能Adobe Suite

nch LY

HR ManagerLestars Management Consultancy L.L.C

High response rate

Lokasi Kerja

01, Paulo, city in Brazil

Diposting di 02 January 2025

Lestars Management Consultancy L.L.C

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51-100 Karyawan

Pelatihan & Pendidikan

Brilliant Gaming

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