BPO & Centro de Chamadas<50 Funcionários
CDPH MARKETING SERVICES (also known as CARS DIRECT) is a private company categorized under Insurance Brokers and Service. CDPH MARKETING SERVICES was first formed and registered in the Department of Trade and Industry on February 27, 2015. CDPH MARKETING SERVICES is a company offering excellent car policies at highly competitive price. Our efficient system and highly trained personnel will offer you maximum convenience through a fully interactive quotation and fulfilment system, including immediate delivery of your policy.We are an insurance broker under the Peoples General Insurance Corp, one of the largest Insurance Companies in the Philippines. PGIC is a pioneer in the insurance industry with 60 years of providing total customer satisfaction. Until this date, they remain committed in keeping up with the changing needs of the insuring public.Call: 026331579
Unit 107A Grace Building, Ortigas Avenue, Greenhills