
RemotoFreelance3-5 anos ExpEdu não necessário
This remote job is open to candidates in specific countries. Please confirm if you want to continue despite potential location restrictions

Detalhes remotos

Abrir PaísJapão

Requisitos de Idiomajaponês

Descrição do Trabalho




・SwiftUI / UIKit によるUI実装

・Protocol Buffers を用いたAPI設計・実装







・UI:SwiftUI / UIKit

・API通信:Protocol Buffers / SwiftProtobuf


・分析基盤:BigQuery / Data Studio

・モニタリング:Crashlytics, BigQuery

・CI/CD:Bitrise, GitHub Actions

・Knowledge Tool:Notion

・その他:GitHub / Slack

・開発手法: Agile (Scrum)











英光 青木


Postado em 27 November 2024

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Bossjob Safety Reminder

If the position requires you to work overseas, please be vigilant and beware of fraud.

If you encounter an employer who has the following actions during your job search, please report it immediately

  • withholds your ID,
  • requires you to provide a guarantee or collects property,
  • forces you to invest or raise funds,
  • collects illicit benefits,
  • or other illegal situations.