
RemotoTempo Inteiro3-5 anos ExpBacharel
This remote job is open to candidates in specific countries. Please confirm if you want to continue despite potential location restrictions

Detalhes remotos

Abrir PaísChina, Japão

Requisitos de Idiomajaponês

Descrição do Trabalho



  1. 精通PHP、Node.js、Java,2~3年以上相关开发经验,能够灵活应对多种技术栈;
  2. 熟悉互联网金融产品业务流程,具备独立完成模块开发与优化的能力;
  3. 熟练掌握MySQL、MongoDB、Redis等数据库的设计与优化;
  4. 具备良好的代码规范与文档编写习惯;
  5. 具备较强的学习能力,能快速适应新技术;
  6. 具备优秀的团队合作能力,善于沟通并具备解决问题的能力;
  7. 对区块链行业有浓厚兴趣,愿意研究和探索区块链技术在商业中的应用;
  8. 日本语能力测试 JLPT-N2 以上水平。


  • 参与后端系统的开发与维护,负责核心业务模块的设计与实现;
  • 根据需求优化系统架构,确保系统的效率、稳定性和安全性;
  • 与前端团队和产品团队协作,完成项目需求和任务分配;
  • 了解区块链行业动态,根据业务需求探索并实现区块链相关技术的应用。
  • 本岗位需要坐班日本

Ellen W

HR OfficerBest Web3

Ativo hoje

Postado em 04 December 2024

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Bossjob Safety Reminder

If the position requires you to work overseas, please be vigilant and beware of fraud.

If you encounter an employer who has the following actions during your job search, please report it immediately

  • withholds your ID,
  • requires you to provide a guarantee or collects property,
  • forces you to invest or raise funds,
  • collects illicit benefits,
  • or other illegal situations.