
RemotoTempo Inteiro1-3 Anos ExpBacharel
This remote job is open to candidates in specific countries. Please confirm if you want to continue despite potential location restrictions

Detalhes remotos

Abrir PaísChina, Hong Kong

Requisitos de IdiomaPortuguese-Brazil, chinês

Descrição do Trabalho



1. 以PV/UV增长为中心,负责产品端内的用户增长策略设计和落地,包括拉新、留存、转化等用户全生命周期的运营;

2. 对内外部数据进行分析,以数据为驱动,完善增长效率工具,通过产品化、平台化方式全面提升产品运营效率;

3. 深入研究各区域用户模型,深度思考驱动用户增长的方式方法,且能够与渠道和营销进行联动,提升用户增长的效率;

4. 分析产品目标区域的政策变化、用户需求和行业发展趋势,挖掘产品新的增长点。


1. 1年以上的Web3产品运营或增长经验;

2. 重视数据驱动和结果导向,掌握常见的数据分析工具和技巧,能够从数据出发发现增长的切入点并进行有效迭代;

3. 有较强自驱性,善于思考发现问题独立解决问题,具备owner意识,高执行力和强责任感,抗压能力强;

4. 英文能作为工作语言的优先。

汪 倩

HR Manager深圳市奔流不止信息科技有限公司

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  • Saúde e Bem-Estar

    Seguro de saúde

  • Benefícios de Habilidades

    Pague em Cripto

  • Tempo de desligamento e Saída

    Feriados Pagos, Licença gerenciada pelo Governo

Postado em 25 December 2024

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If the position requires you to work overseas, please be vigilant and beware of fraud.

If you encounter an employer who has the following actions during your job search, please report it immediately

  • withholds your ID,
  • requires you to provide a guarantee or collects property,
  • forces you to invest or raise funds,
  • collects illicit benefits,
  • or other illegal situations.